

原文标题:Papercrop Rebuilds PDFs to Play Nice With Cellphones and Kindles




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Windows/Linux: Papercrop is free, simple utility that automatically restructures PDF files to fit more comfortably on small smartphone and eBook reader screens.

Many PDFs strain our eyes with oversized margins and multiple columns that turn reading them on small screens into a a silly-looking dance of finger tapping and screen pinching. Papercrop attempts to rectify this problem by recreating PDF files with smaller margins and larger, more readable text.

The app works its magic by identifying the different pieces of content on each page, then putting each of these pieces on pages of their own to maximize the size of the content. This means you may end up with a few pages with nothing but a large page numbers, but mostly you’ll see each column of text given its own page and expanded to fill the margins. The output isn’t perfect, but papercrop does offer a dizzying array of customization options to tidy your final product up a bit.


23 thoughts on “Papercrop重建利于手机和Kindle显示的PDF文档”

  1. 作业做了很久,顺手打开收音机,一个温柔的声音传出:“如果肤色粉红,脸上的绒毛细嫩柔软,那么说明很健康… 听到这里,忍不住摸了自己的脸,对镜顾盼,再笑一笑,样子健康可爱。这时,又听播音员说道:好,听众朋友,这次我们的《养猪知识讲座》就到这里。。。

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