

消息不是很正式,但是Google将在其今天晚些时候的I/O大会上发布Google音乐服务是毫无疑问的了。虽然华尔街日报找不到一位Google发言人来确认,彼得卡夫卡在All Things D上联系了杰米罗森堡,Android产品管理总监,表示泄漏细节还为时尚早。


相比之下,亚马逊的服务仅提供5GB的免费存储空间,尽可以存储大约1200首普通的比特率歌曲。Google也将优于亚马逊,提供自动创建播放列表功能。Google预计将在数周之内为其美国用户部署音乐服务,同时测试邀请将会在今天晚些时候向Verizon 的Xoom用户发放。(其他用户将可以在music.google.com注册)关注这里,我们将在这里为您带来现场发布。



It’s not quite official but there’s little doubt that Google will launch its Google Music service at its big I/O event later today. While the Wall Street Journal couldn’t get a Google spokesman to admit it, Peter Kafka over at All Things D got Jamie Rosenberg, Director of Android Product Management, to spill the details a bit early.

Google’s service will essentially mimic the functionality of Amazon’s Cloud service, albeit without the ability to sell songs direct to consumers. Ouch. Unfortunately, Google’s plans to launch a more feature-complete service were derailed when discussions with the labels broke down. According to Rosenberg, “A couple of the major labels were less focused on the innovative vision that we put forward, and more interested in in an unreasonable and unsustainable set of business terms.” So, rather than putting the service on hold, Google will launch its music service with the ability to store up to 20,000 of your own songs for free which you can then stream over the web or to your Android phone or tablet.

Amazon’s service, by comparison, offers just 5GB of free storage for about 1,200 songs stored at a mediocre bitrate. Google will also best Amazon with a feature that automatically creates playlists. Google expects to rollout the service to its US users within “weeks” while beta invites should go out later today to Verizon Xoom owners (others will be able to sign up at music.google.com). Keep it right here because we’ll be bringing you the announcement live.

22 thoughts on “Google音乐将在今晚的I/O大会上发布”

    1. @手机主题 确实是,今年的版权维护事件挺多的,特别是针对百度的那些。

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